I could change the default title, but why mess with a good thing? Let’s be clear, I have no formal training in website creation, but I also want to keep things simple while I’m first starting out. As such, let me offer my obligatory Canadian apologies in advance for my rather basic site.
On to business. I am so excited to be branching out – officially – into the writing and (eventually) indie publishing world. I’ve been unofficially a part of this world since late 2018 when I first became more intentional with learning more about the craft of writing. I then discovered the wild and wonderful world of independent publishing via The Creative Penn podcast. Since then, I’ve come to know many other amazing players in this diverse field (special shout out to my neighbour, the incredible Mark Leslie Lefebvre and his Stark Reflections podcast) that I’m proud to now be among .
I recently participated in the 2022 edition of the When Words Collide convention and emerged with a new determination to put significantly more time and attention to this endeavour if I want to see any real movement.
I have a few short goals before the fall of 2022 really hits. Step 1: Write! And write and write and write. Step 2: get this website up (check!), and, in tandem, Step 3: keep making amazing connections in this industry.
Thank you for being here!